Product storage and effective cooling are indispensable elements of the cold chain. In this context, it is also of great importance that some foods are kept frozen under appropriate conditions. Products can come to your warehouse frozen and be kept, or you can process fresh food and store and ship it frozen. You can examine the shocking process, which is the step before frozen storage, on the following pages.
It is an indispensable necessity for health that the cold chain is not broken and that products are kept under ideal conditions from production to delivery to the end consumer.
The pandemic and other natural disasters experienced in today's world make us feel the importance of frozen food storage more effectively. For societies to have continuous access to clean and safe food, it is vital that foods are processed, frozen, packaged under appropriate conditions and shipped without breaking the cold chain.
In order to provide the highest level of requirements and obligations in this process, Frigotek designs an efficient, effective, hygienic, environmentally sustainable and suitable project for your facility for all kinds of food and products, and offers it to you as a turnkey after the production and product supply processes.