In today's world, due to the pandemic and natural disasters experienced in the recent past, the importance of storing food and delivering it to the masses when needed has been realized more effectively. The need to access healthy and affordable food is a constant need that never ends. In order to meet this need, food must be stored in very large cold storages and shipped with refrigerated vehicles without disrupting the cold chain. Logistics dry and cold storages are receiving investments with a rapidly rising curve.
The most important difference of logistics warehouses is their size, different shelf systems (shuttle shelf, push back, narrow aisle, drive in, curtain wall... etc.), the necessity of monitoring product entries and exits (such as the first in, first out principle), and the importance of making correct size and traffic calculations of shipping areas. Since logistics-purpose cold storages have a lot of product and vehicle traffic, they must be designed with the joint work of expert teams.
In order to meet the requirements and obligations in this process at the highest level, Frigotek designs an efficient, effective, hygienic, environmentally sustainable project suitable for your facility for the correct storage and shipment of all food products, and offers it to you on a turnkey basis after the production and product supply processes.