The world's milk production is approximately 800 to 850 million tons per year. Some of this is consumed fresh and the rest is processed into forms such as yogurt, cheese, ice cream, butter, and cream.

The safest way to consume milk is to pasteurize it to purify it from microbes. The basic logic of this method is to bring the milk to 72 to 75°C and then quickly lower it to +4°C after 15-20 seconds. If the milk is to be stored at room temperature for a long time, then it should be boiled to 130-140°C and then quickly cooled after 5-6 seconds before being placed in tetrapak packages.

All dairy products have different storage conditions at different temperatures and durations. When a processing or cold storage facility is to be built, these requirements must be taken into consideration. Otherwise, the products will deteriorate and may become dangerous to health. Milk can be stored in the refrigerator at (0, +4°C). Cheese can last for two weeks under the same conditions, while its storage life in vacuum packages can be up to 8 months. Butter must be stored at (-18°C). Ice cream is a special product and must be stored at (-25°C).

In order to meet the requirements and obligations in this process at the highest level, Frigotek designs an efficient, effective, hygienic, environmentally sustainable and suitable project for all dairy products and offers it to you as a turnkey project after the production and product supply processes.