Approximately 179 million metric tons of seafood are produced and consumed annually in the world. Seafood is a low-calorie, high-quality protein source and is low in fat. Fish in particular is a very valuable food because it contains important nutrients such as Omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin B, vitamin D, iodine, selenium and zinc, contains calcium for bone health, has a low glycemic index, contains DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) for brain health, has anti-inflammatory effects and has protective effects against some diseases.

Seafood can be reached by hunting or farming methods. The processes in a good fish processing facility can be summarized as transportation, scaling, head removal, internal organ removal, filleting, shocking, packaging, and frozen storage. However, advanced processing processes such as smoking, canning, salting, and brining can also be applied. You can also find information about hydrocooler (water chiller) systems that produce cold water to be used in production processes on the following pages.

If the final products are to be stored and shipped frozen, the design and capacity selection is of great importance in order to provide the desired product core temperature (-18°C) in the correct time during the shocking process (-35, -40°C) prior to this (IQF – Individual Quick Freezing or shocking chambers depending on the size, type and quantity of the product). Fresh fish meat can be stored for approximately 1-2 days in styrofoam boxes with ice added and in cold storage (0°C). For larger fish such as salmon and trout, this period can be extended to a maximum of 3 days.

In order to meet the requirements and obligations in this process at the highest level, Frigotek designs a productive, effective, hygienic, environmentally sustainable and suitable project for your facility for seafood, and offers it to you on a turnkey basis after the production and product supply processes.